Saturday, September 19, 2015

Spirit Week

 Hawaiian Day
 Professional Day
Ty was a Soldier.

College Day
Go Texas Longhorns!

Texas Day!
Ty was a Cowboy!


 Ty playing at his End of the Summer recital.
He played his original musical piece~ meaning he
wrote (composed) his own music with his teacher Ms. Victoria Folks.
Here he's performing his original piece of music called:
This recital was more relaxed than most of the formal ones.
They played musical games and he won the monster "chomp"
with the most correct answers.
He always has a "tune" in his head.
He's written a new original musical piece called:
Sneaky Zombies
which he will play at the Halloween recital in October. 

2nd Grade

 Ty's an official 2nd grader!
 Already for 2nd grade!
 Sam & Ty lining up for Mrs. Petrarca class.
 Jacob ~ Christian ~ Ty
Christian & Ty
Dinosaur buddies!
They love talking about Dinos!


 Ty & Daniella = Amigos! (friends)
Daniella and Ty have been in school since K4 at CCS.
They have birthdays one day apart.
Daniella's is 4th of July.
She has always prayed for Ty
to do good at school ~ her moms says.
Her dad, Mr. Orlando, recently remodeled our home
with new floors & a paint job.

4th Parade

 Scooter was his parade entry this 4th.
 In the parade route...
Water Balloons....what a way to end the day!

"7" years!

 Ty spent an evening on his 7th Birthday
at a Tokyo Steak House. C-H-O-P!!!
See the "7" on the cooker made of RICE!!!
 Ty was totally cracking up! 
"7" years old T-O-D-A-Y!!!
Mama & Dad!!!