Sunday, September 14, 2014

1st grader

 New Book Bag (thanks Aunt Charlene)
 1st Grader at CCS
 Ms. James in my new teacher
 I have a LOCKER in first grade!
My first day complete with a big cookie
(thanks Mama)


Makin' Biscuits with my MiMi

Summer Visitors

 Grandma Grace @ my 6th bday party
 MiMi showing off my McD's gift card
Aunt Pat playin' games on her iPad

The July 4th Parade

Winner again in the parade!
$5 McD gift card
Thanks again MiMi
for the super duper decorations
on my hot wheel aka Big Green Machine!


Ty came home from MDO and ran up to his room....the funny thing he rarely does this alone (he likes someone there)!! But, in the meantime, he found his Pirate surprises on his actual birthday 7-3-14.


Pirate 6th Bday

 Pirate Jones
 Clownin' Around
 Sam + Ty
Ship Pinata