Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Big Booster Car Seat

Looky, I'm now in the Big Booster Car Seat now. The baby infant carrier ---well, my feet were dangling off the front and I'm way too heavy now for my parents to lift me + the carrier. My Aunt Pat & Cousin Rhonda gave me this gift. I'm now going to put it to use. Now, that I'm facing forward, I can watch my DVD's ie. Baby Eistein, Silly Songs, & much much more!!!!

Driving My Car Outside

I drove my car outside this week for the first time. I'm now touching the floor board and only going 1 mph though. But, I'm loving it. Beep Beep, watch out here I come!!!!

Playing in the Park

I love playing at the park with mama. Mama & I go in the afternoon time. This week it's been 95 degrees and it feels like summer time.

Sliding Down the Slide

I'm sliding down the sliding board with my mama's help that is. We like to practice what we learn at Gymboree play class. I can't do it independently, but I'm almost there.

My Birthmark

I have a birthmark on the side in the middle of my tummy. It's about a dime size or so and it's like a white circle in shape. How cool is that?!!?

Guess Who's Crawling?

ME ME ME!!! I started crawling Feb 27, 2009 at 2:30pm. I was in my mama & dad's room where I took me first few steps toward crawling. Otherwise, I was just doing the army crawl & moving backwards. Now, on all fours, and moving in the right direction. Yippee!!!

My First Valentine

I'm opening my very first Valentine card from one of my grandparents, PaPa & NanaNa Jan. They're the best! Happy Valentine's Day!

Playdate with Grammie

I had a playdate with my Grammie. She came to visit me at the beginning of the month. My garage has been converted to my play area.

Super Bowl Sunday

Ty's is ready for Super Bowl Sunday. He is wearing his football outfit posed here with mama.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Baby Sign Language

Baby Sign Language class if offered at Gymboree. My mama & I had to preview the class. Well, you know my mama... we enrolled. Baby Sign Language increases my pre-reading and readiness skills. We've had words themes: Zoo Theme-- signing: lion, monkey, kangeroo; Birthday Theme--cake, candle, song; Meal Theme- eat, drink, bib, finished; & Bedtime Theme--sleep, bath, water. I have made some friends along the way. They are Alicia {11mons} & Bryan {10mons}. We sing 3 songs with our signs and practice with Bevo the Signing Bear.